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#OneWord365 Umbrella7 Snippets of Encouragement for Young Christians
26 Bits
Biweekly Bits #1: Attitude is Everything
Biweekly Bits #2: Everyone Won't Like You
Biweekly Bits #3: On Getting Lost...
Biweekly Bits #4: Outgrowing Things is Okay
Biweekly Bits #5: No Choices
Biweekly Bits #6: Respect Your Elders
Biweekly Bits #7: Life Lessons from Salmonburgers
Biweekly Bits #8: Intentions vs Behavior
Biweekly Bits #9: Excellence
Biweekly Bits #10: Everyone Expects 100%
Biweekly Bits #11: Patience is a Practice
Biweekly Bits #12: Things Taken Away
Biweekly Bits #13: Be Thankful
Biweekly Bits #14: A Pair of Shoes?
Biweekly Bits #15: You Never Know
Biweekly Bits #16: Dare to be Different
Biweekly Bits #17: Timing is Important
Biweekly Bits #18: Wilderness & Growth
Biweekly Bits #19: Don't Miss the Message
Biweekly Bits #20: Sometimes, you have to say no
Biweekly Bits #21: Let Your Grain Die
Biweekly Bits #22: Tell Others how much You Appreciate Them
Biweekly Bits #23: Speaking the Truth, Graciously
Biweekly Bits #24: Encourage Others
Biweekly Bits #25: Pick Your Battles
Biweekly Bits #26: Always a New Lesson to Learn
27 Verses
40 Days of Renewal: A Lenten Series
40 Days of Renewal: Strength
40 Days of Renewal: Mind
40 Days of Renewal: Spirit
40 Days of Renewal: Identity
40 Days of Renewal: Creation
A Lesson in Testimony
And He will be Called...
Anticipating Christ
The First Candle: Anticipating Hope
The Second Candle: Anticipating Love
The Third Candle: Anticipating Joy
The Fourth Candle: Anticipating Peace
Becoming My Mother
The Bronze Basin
Characteristics of the Blessed (Part 1)
Characteristics of the Blessed (Part 2)
Chasing God
The Church: Moral Voice or Hospital?
Covering Up
Discontent is a Deadly Murmur
Encouragement in Doubt (Guest post)
Faith to Obey, or, Worship on a Promise
First Miracle
For Such a Time as This
For Your Glory
God's Creation
God's Professional Laundry Service
The Greatest for the Least
He Restores my Soul
Heart Intentions
Heart's Desires
The Journey Deeper
Indy: A Next 'Nother New Place Again
Life Happens and Seasons Change
Living in the Moment
Love, Faith & Faithfulness
Mourning Jesus
The Nine Other Lepers
Not About that Life
Number 100!
Offerings are Messy!
One Word 365
OneWord365, the 2016 Edition
Parallel Relationship
Promise or Present?
Season of Worship
Seven Ways to Pray for your Heart
Seven Ways to Pray: 1. Delight
Seven Ways to Pray: 2. Desires
Seven Ways to Pray: 3. Dependence
Seven Ways to Pray: 4. Discernment
Seven Ways to Pray: 5. Desperation
Seven Ways to Pray: 6. Discipline
Seven Ways to Pray: 7. Diligence
Stretch out your Hand!
The Struggle against Complacency
Such as I Have
The Surety of Obedience
Taken out of Context
Through His Eyes
True Truth, Pure Heart
Where my trust is without borders...
Written on His Palms
Compass Study BibleEpic Grace: Chronicles of a Recovering Idiot
The Mended Heart
Soul Keeping
Hymn-ful Sundays
Come Let us Use the Grace DivineBlessed Assurance
My God, I am Thine
In Christ Alone
Draw me Nearer
Tell me the Stories of Jesus
It Passeth Knowledge
O, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
There is a Fountain filled with Blood
40 Days and 40 Nights
What a Friend we have in Jesus
As the Deer
He Lifted Me
I Cannot Tell
Children of Jerusalem
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
In the Garden
It is Well
All Praise to our Redeeming Lord
To God be the Glory
And Can it Be
Love Lifted Me
A Charge to Keep I have
O Thou Who Camest from Above
Great is Thy Faithfulness
My Faith Looks up to Thee
Trust and Obey
Now Thank we all our God
Look and Live
We Have an Anchor
Take My Hand Precious Lord
How Deep the Father's Love for us
Here I am, Lord
Jesus Friend of Little Children
O Worship the King
O the Bitter Shame and Sorrow
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
In the Cross
O Happy Day!
Jesus Calls us o'er the tumult
We Plough the Fields and Scatter
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Come Thou Long-expected Jesus
Love Came Down at Christmas
Joy to the World!
Come and Join the Celebration
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A person finds joy in giving an apt reply—
and how good is a timely word! -Prov 15:23