Sunday, February 09, 2014

Hymn-ful Sundays! "Tell me the stories of Jesus"

This week's hymn is one by W. H. Parker, and is usually considered to be a children's hymn.

Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear;
Things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here;
Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea,
Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.

First let me hear how the children stood round His knee,
And I shall fancy His blessing resting on me;
Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace,

All in the love light of Jesus’ face.

Tell how the sparrow that twitter on yonder tree
And the sweet meadow side lily, may speak to me:
Give me their message, for I would hear
How Jesus taught us, our Father’s care

Tell me, in accents of wonder, how rolled the sea,
Tossing the boat in a tempest on Galilee;
And how the Maker, ready and kind,
Chided the billows, and hushed the wind.

Into the city I’d follow the children’s band,
Waving a branch of the palm tree high in my hand;
One of His heralds, yes, I would sing
Loudest hosannas, “Jesus is King!”

Show me that scene in the garden, of bitter pain;
And of the cross where my Savior for me was slain;
And through the sadness, help me to see
How Jesus suffered, for love of me.
W. H. Parker

There's nothing greater to hear than the stories of Jesus, his life, death and resurrection. And in our child-like faith, I hope we also often have the wonder that children have when looking at the awesome things of life, when we look at Jesus, and when we hear about Him. 

Be blessed and shine in His love!

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