You are on a journey to the center of God's heart. This trip is a
digging process, you start off with your bare hands and this works for a
while before you need some simple tools to help you along the way: your
Bible is a big help; prayer makes it so much easier to dig too. As you
continue you realise that it is backbreaking work but you can do it and
you find yourself getting stronger as you go on.
Your hole has
now become a tunnel and you are well on your way in this journey, you
are going deeper, digging your way to God's heart. After a while you
realise that you can't make the tunnel wide enough to fit you and all
your stuff through so you start leaving everything behind so that you
can make it through your tunnel more easily. You shed worries, cares,
clothing, jewelry, people and without these burdens it is much easier to
make your way deeper into the tunnel. Eventually you're left with
nothing but the clothes on your back. At the next few turns, those too
are torn away by the rocks as you crawl through crevices with a
new-found strength: you are naked, you have nothing but yourself and
you're well on your way to the center of God's heart.

last you arrive at the center of God's heart, with nothing but your
heart and soul left of you. You look back at your broken self and the
things you carried, realising that the journey was not very long, but to
make it you had to work hard, and give up everything.
Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to
offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this
is your true and proper worship.
Congrats. I look forward to more sharing and insights. Every blessing.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post! I feel exactly like this! Trying to make my journey.